Well, first I'd like to apologize for my lack of posts this last month. NaNoWriMo, a trip to Seattle, Thanksgiving, school, and speech have made it very hard to get around to writing blog posts.
Alright, now straight in my topic for today, the Hunger Games. This popular book series is becoming a movie! And a very promising one at that. I am really excite about most of the characters and can't wait to see it.
If there are those of you out there who aren't excited for the movie {which was me about two days ago} then I urge you to watch the official 2012 Hunger Games trailer. It is epic! I am so excited! Yay!
And on top of the movie looking awesome I only have to wait until March 23, at which I will try to see it opening night. Wouldn't that be super cool?
So what about you? How are you feeling about the Hunger Games movie?
Unfortunately, I'm not a fan, but I'm not anti-Hunger Games, either.
I'm curious to see it but wary because of the whole not-being-a-HG-fan thing:)
Uh, yeah. I'm pretty excited about this movie myself. I actually haven't read the books, but I bought the first one and am planning on reading them before it comes out. I'm really hoping they're up to my expectations. :P
Also, the Hunger Games movie looks really awesome! I haven't read the books yet, but I plan to soon since I've heard nothing but amazing things about them. :D
Celtic Traveler : completly understandable. It's nice that there are people out there who aren't fans but don't mind the Hunger Games either.
Penn : Oh, read them! I think you'll like them alot.
Hannah : We come to Seattle quite a bit due to my dad's work and also for speech. Next time I come over we should get together!
You ONLY have to wait until MARCH 23?!?!?! Sorry sis, I don't have your patience at all. Like, dying here and than buried... with grass and poppies already growing...
Huh... I guess it is fun to be crazy dramatic sometimes. I knew there was a reason for you and my sister in my life. LOVE YOU!
I keep wanting to read the Hunger Games, but I never got around to it. The trailer is super exciting! I want to read/watch now!
Okay, I saw the preview for the movie the DAY it came out, and I knew right then and there that I had to read the books. Thankfully Libby and Grace let me borrow their copies, and I am happy to say I am a HUGE fan (even though, and especially since, it only took me a week to read the trilogy).
I hope they do a good job on the film, and I CAN NOT WAIT to see it on opening night!
(Come soon, March 23rd!)
BTW, I MISS you, girl!
I need to read those books! Our walmart has them on sale right now, its a good time to find out if I'd be a fan!
That trailer is crazy wonderful!
I think it looks SO GOOD!
I'm just hoping it doesn't ruin the book...
Nice blog for moving!
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