September 2, 2011


"It is true, my friend. I am much worried."
"Because Mademoiselle Cynthia does not take sugar in her coffee."
-The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie

The Mysterious Affair at Styles. The latest of Agatha Christies books I finished. This one was pretty good, but it has one the best quotes. I laughed for minutes after I read this and I still giggle when it comes to mind.


Amanda said...

LOL!!!! That's really cute. Sugar in coffee is the only way to go. :)

Marian said...

I always leave out the sugar on my second cup...though I *do* take cream, and that is a must! ;)

ashley tahg said...

Sugar + Coffee. No other way.

Coffee- Sugar = I don't drink. :-D

Agatha Christy is an AMAZING authoress.